Creating with the Universe...


Think about this. We all want good things. We have dreams. Hopes. Desires. But what if they came to fruition?

What if someone knocked on your door today and said... you can manifest what you desire? What would you do? Are you ready to receive this?

What if you were offered your dream job or an opportunity to completely heal your relationship with yourself and others? What would you do?

In every moment we are having a conversation with the Universe.

The Universe is conscious and is responding to our words and actions. The messages from the Universe come in forms to try to connect and support us.

Perhaps take a moment and consider what your life looks like. Are you happy and fulfilled? If not perhaps it’s time to create change knowing the Universe will respond.

One way to create a positive shift is to create affirmations that tell the Universe what you want. If we don’t consciously create our lives the Universe creates it for us. We can feel that life is happening ‘to us’ in these instances.

Creating affirmations and stating them out loud daily for at least thirty days will begin to reprogram your subconscious mind. Your ‘broadcast frequency’ will begin to shift as will your experiences.

When creating affirmations it’s important to keep them in the present moment. This tells the Universe that it’s here now.

For example, you could say that you are financially free or that you are deeply supported. Even though it may not be here now, you are intending that it is.

This is a beautiful and simple way to begin to create sustainable change in your life. Have fun with this and remember the Universe wants to support you!

love and blessings on your journey


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