Take Back Your Morning…


I read an article the other morning describing how so many of people are pulling away from the news, commenting that it left them drained. In this article the writer described how overwhelmed she felt trying to keep up with the information around her: emails, text messages, social media, books piled at her bedside.

I could relate to what she was describing. I made the decision to have a strict boundary with the information highway a few years ago.

 Information overload keeps us in our minds and ‘out of the body’. It leaves us ungrounded. When we are ungrounded, we are more vulnerable to external energy. Our nervous system takes a hit.

 People that have consistent morning routines are less stressed, happier, and more productive. Studies have shown that stress can be reduced by 20% when we commit to a consistent morning routine. That’s significant and worth exploring in my opinion.

 What does a morning routing need to look like to be beneficial? I suggest starting with one or two items. Keep it simple and be consistent.

 Here are a few ideas:

 Wake up 15 minutes early.

 Drink a large glass of spring water with lemon.

 Reset your nervous system/tone the vagus nerve – taking 3 deep belly breaths.

 Meditate for 3 – 5 minutes.

 Stay off your devices for the first hour of your day.

 Do 15 minutes of exercise. A brisk walk around the block!

 Journal 3 things you are grateful for.

 Listen to an inspiring podcast.

 Consider what the most important task of the day is. Do it first!

 Have breakfast.

 Take your vitamins.

 State affirmations out loud.

 If you want to explore this further, you could look at the SAVERS method by Hal Elrod. He wrote a book called The Miracle Morning. He suggests starting your day with Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, Scribing.

 If we don’t take back our morning, we won’t create our life. We are no longer living from a place of intention and clarity, no longer the directors of our lives. Life becomes a struggle.

 Please reach out if you need help with this, on my contact page!  As we work to create change, blocks can appear that keep us looping in a pattern that we can’t seem to break free of.

 Are you ready to shift?

 Love and blessings to all.


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